Refund Policy

By utilizing this site, you comprehend that all installments handled by Lumen Innovation, are for bookkeeping administrations performed by our firm. Our firm offers types of assistance which are paid for toward the consummation of said administration. Sometimes, a retainer or administration store are expected before administrations are performed.

Discount solicitations might be made by reaching our office through email ( or calling +1-631-846-0680. We propose you initially talk about the circumstance with the Customer Service division with whom you typically bargain straightforwardly. On the off chance that the circumstance isn't settled, then, at that point, if it's not too much trouble, contact our Office Manager. Assuming you make a fake case of unapproved card use, we will report this to the Visa administrations. For report might bring about undoing of your card administrations, set negative data on your credit report, and make conceivable crook allegations that might be documented against you.

Lumen Innovation, may give a mentioned discount of an installment made through a charge/Visa installment for the accompanying explanation:

  • Administration was not performed for which a retainer or administration store was gotten. Copy installment
  • Client exchange mistake, for example, an installment being made for more than planned ($1100.00 rather than $100.00)
  • Lumen Innovation, perceives a mistake was made, after installment was gotten, in either our work item or charging process, and in this manner a change should be made to a client's record.
  • Client not happy with the given administrations inside 5 working long stretches of exchange After receipt of a solicitation for discount, Lumen Innovation will explore the issue whereupon the discount is mentioned. All discounts, when considered valid, will be made in same financial balance/Card inside 18 days

Lumen Innovation, maintains all authority to change this Refund Policy at its prudence, or against any client it accepts is mishandling this strategy. Any such amendment or change will be restricting and taking effect right now subsequent to posting of the overhauled Refund Policy on our site. It is the client's commitment to survey our discount strategy for any such modifications